More LIGHTBRINGER on my patreon
Blog Category: Update

More LIGHTBRINGER on my patreon

Hello people!

As some of you may know, I am publishing a new book exclusively on my Patreon.

The title is Lightbringer and I started posting content about it a month ago.

If you wanna know more about it, take a look at THIS

Well, I posted some more pages today. 
Theoretically I should have posted a third chapter, but I received a really smart comment related to my first chapter, so I decided to follow that suggestion and do a little bit of a rewrite.

I find the new chapter 1 to be more insightful, and I think it will ease the reader better into this particular world of mysticism and religious myths. 

Lightbringer is a work in progress that I am presenting on patreon as I write. I found, in my latest pass, a bunch of little mistakes and discrepancies that I fixed. Likely, there will be more, but it's a start.

If you are interested in reading Lightbringer (or my short stories, alongside artwork and more), please visit my Patreon 


For all my other links (including my newsletter) take a look at this ---->

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